Produkty dla 15 cali odbytu (6)

Helix Aperta (Monacelle)

Helix Aperta (Monacelle)

La conchiglia puo ' essere di colore verdastro o, in alternativa, marrone scuro.In condizioni climatiche sotto i 10°c e oltre i 30°c va in letargo scavando un buco nel terreno arrivando anche a 40-50 cm in profondita'. La bava prodotta si calcifica creando l'opercolo di colore bianco perla. Disponibilita' da Maggio a Ottobre.
Fioletowy Wytrwały Grzyb

Fioletowy Wytrwały Grzyb

Plant with large clumps of strap-shaped purple leaves. It produces panicles of tubular white or pale pink flowers. Flowering is uncommon when planted in a container or in an area where the winter is very cold.
Alberatura - Prunus Pissardi Nigra

Alberatura - Prunus Pissardi Nigra

Alberatura - Prunus Pissardi Nigra
Eleagnus Ebbingei

Eleagnus Ebbingei

Very branched shrub with an erect and compact habit. It produces shiny green leaves on the top and silvery leaves on the underside. Its branches are slightly thorny. It has clusters of pendulous white flowers.